Flying the biggest flag for Australia Day 2022 at the Perth Skyshow

The Australia Day Skyshow is a special time for the team from Helicopter Logistics.  The setup and unfurling of the largest Aussie flag in Australia is spectacular, as are the views over the Perth skyline during the #perthskyworks2022 event. As in previous years, we really enjoy working with Helivision Australia to film the event.

Helicopter Logistics helps DBCA to Make a Challenging Ride Easier

Helicopter Logistics has recently completed a challenging precision lifting project for the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA). The Munda Biddi Trail is over 1060km long and attracts bike riders from around the state. Whilst some of the rides are family friendly, most suit the more dedicated rider. The tracks include unsealed roads, some … Read more

Land Management Program Commences

Helicopter Logistics is uniquely placed in Australia for its work in land management and conservation activities with Chief Pilot Matt Corbett having over 30 years of experience working with the Parks and Wildlife Service at the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. “There is a great deal of science involved in reducing the risk of … Read more

Helicopter Logistics Secures Rotary Wing Contract with DBCA

Helicopter Logistics is pleased to announce that we have secured a rotary wing contract with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

The contract is for land management fire operations, and includes bushfire support services plus aerial ignition work. The purpose of the contract is to effectively manage fuel loads in state forests to avoid the incidence and severity of bushfires.

Helicopter Logistics has extensive experience with this very specialised area of work. The company originally commenced the contract in 2013. The contract was renewed with Helicopter Logistics in January of 2021 for an additional 5 years with options up to an additional 5 years.

The land area covered by this contract is very significant and includes the vast majority of Western Australia south of the Pilbara.

To support the contract Helicopter Logistics has expanded our aircraft fleet through the purchases of two additional Airbus Squirrel Helicopters, plus added to our aircraft engineering maintenance team and flight crew.

The contract is supported from our head office at Jandakot Airport and our Bunbury base.

As a part of the contract we work very closely with the DBCA to develop and deliver the aviation component of the annual recurrency training for air attack supervisors and ignition crew.

This work is in addition to our recent win of new fixed wing work with DBCA further demonstrating our commitment to innovation and safety in land management operations.

Helicopter Logistics brings innovation to secure new work with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

Helicopter Logistics is pleased to announce that they have secured a new contract with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. The contract is for 5 years and provides support to DBCA for land management operations throughout Western Australia. Up to two fixed wing aircraft and crews will be provided by Helicopter Logistics for the … Read more

Helicopter Logistics signs Team Nightjar agreement with Airbus Australia Pacific

Jandakot based aviation business Helicopter Logistics has signed a teaming agreement with Airbus Australia Pacific.

Matt Corbett, Managing Director of Helicopter Logistics said, “We are very pleased to be partnering with Airbus on the Team Nightjar bid under the Land 2097 tender. This tender is for a fleet of H145M helicopters for the Australian Defence Force’s Special Forces. We have no doubt that the H145M, through its proven capability globally, will provide the ADF with the most formidable aircraft to carry out this important role”.

More than 1,400 of the Airbus H145 family are in service globally across civil, parapublic and military domains. The above photo is courtesy of Airbus

Andrew Mathewson, Managing Director of Airbus Australia Pacific, said: “We are delighted to have Helicopter Logistics onboard Team Nightjar as we focus on offering a robust Australian industrial support for the Australian Defence Force. With Helicopter Logistics’ established footprint in Western Australia, we are confident of continuing our strong support to Defence’s operations”.

Matt Corbett stated “Helicopter Logistics is the only Western Australian company involved in the bid. The partnership with Airbus Australia Pacific provides the opportunity to add helicopter support capability to the growing defence requirements in Western Australia and if successful, will provide employment opportunities for the State”.

Committed to Veterans
Helicopter Logistics is a veteran owned Western Australian company with veterans employed in key management positions.

Matt Corbett said, “In recent years there has been a much greater emphasis in the industry on employing veteran Defence personnel. My own Defence experience has proven so valuable in the way we innovate in aviation and ensure a clear, very well structured and managed business. Our Business Development Manager Lindsay Hawke is a veteran and is heavily involved in all aspects of this agreement. We are committed to offering greater employment opportunities for veterans across all aspects of our organisation.”

About Helicopter Logistics
Originally founded to supply helicopter services to the airborne geophysics industry, Helicopter Logistics now provides a multitude of fixed wing and helicopter services predominantly to government.