Major investments have been made off of the back of new land management contracts that have been secured by Helicopter Logistics. The new contracts with The Parks and Wildlife Service, within the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Land Management, is an expansion of the existing land management work undertaken by Helicopter Logistics.
The contracts are for fire operations, specifically in the area of Air Attack platforms – effectively air traffic control during emergency bush fires.
“It is great to be able to provide additional capacity to DBCA for these essential aerial suppression bushfire support roles” said Matt Corbett, Managing Director and Chief Pilot of Helicopter Logistics.
4 experienced pilots have been added to the team to support the contracts, together with two new aircraft with one rotary wing and one fixed wing aircraft which will cover operational requirements in the south-west and northern regional areas.
The rotary aircraft is the Airbus Squirrel AS350B2, a versatile aircraft that has been a mainstay of the Helicopter Logistics fleet since inception.
The fixed wing aircraft is a Cessna 182, again an aircraft very familiar to the Helicopter Logistics team.
Maintenance of both aircraft will be undertaken by the Helicopter Logistics Aircraft Maintenance team.