Land Management Program Commences

Helicopter Logistics is uniquely placed in Australia for its work in land management and conservation activities with Chief Pilot Matt Corbett having over 30 years of experience working with the Parks and Wildlife Service at the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

“There is a great deal of science involved in reducing the risk of wildfires throughout Western Australia due to our ever drying climate.

Weather factors are critical to ensure the prescribing burning program is a success. Wind velocity, wind direction and prevailing temperature are factors for consideration”, said Matt.

Parks and Wildlife Service are responsible for managing fire in forests, parks, nature reserves and other lands that it manages by:

– managing fuel loads through prescribed burning and other means

– responding to bushfires

– undertaking research into fire behaviour and effects.

Parks and Wildlife’s fire management practices are internationally recognised and highly regarded.

“…Western Australia is the only state that has maintained the expertise to conduct efficient and precise prescribed burning in both dry and wet forests.”
Phil Cheney, Former Head of CSIRO Bushfire Research

For more information see

“Research shows that prescribed burning is effective in reducing the frequency and size of bushfires in the forests of south-west Western Australia when at least 45 per cent of the landscape has a fuel age of less than six years since last burnt.

To realise this target in the three south-west forest regions it manages, DBCA’s Parks and Wildlife Service aims to prescribe burn at least 200,000 hectares each financial year.” Source:

Managing Director and Chief Pilot Matt Corbett said, “our long standing working relationship with Parks and Wildlife at DBCA is something that the team at Helicopter Logistics are very proud of. We are continually working each year to improve our expertise in land management”.