Geophysical Surveys

  • Helicopter Logistics have contributed to the development and growth of the airborne geophysical survey industry for over 25 years.

Helicopter Logistics specializes in low level mapping (< 30m) using under-slung (towed) systems. Typically these are Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) and Magnetometer (Helimag) systems on a 100 to 150 ft line beneath the helicopter. Stinger systems are also operated by the company.

Helicopter Logistics provides airborne geophysical and photogrammetry services throughout Australia. 

Aircraft available for aerial survey operations are:

Rotary Wing: Bell Jetranger & Airbus AS350B2 & B3

Fixed Wing: Kodiak 100, GA8 Airvan and Cessna 182T.


Helicopter Logistics provides specialised services to most of the leading airborne geophysics companies in Australia. We provide services to many of the major exploration companies including BHP, Rio Tinto, Newcrest, and IGO.

61 Aero / Klau Geomatics

Helicopter Logistics works closely with 61 Aero and Klau Geomatics on geophysical and high resolution photogrammetry capture throughout Australia. Recent work included the IGNIS – NASA / ECU photogrammetry capture in Western Australia.

Out On Location Conducting HeliSAM Surveys With GAP Geophysics 

During a HeliSAM survey a 70kW HPTX70 transmitter is positioned on the survey site and produces a high amplitude, high quality, precisely timed signal whilst the helicopter flies a survey pattern across the survey area whilst towing a Magnetometer.